
  • tytyty
  • tytyty
  • tytyty
  • tytyty


– 5 DAYS –

A unique course designed for specialists in the field of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED), focusing on hands-on knowledge and experience. Students will come across various Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) related scenarios and EOD workshops, as well as tactical training and professional site tours, covering a wide variety of applications.

Target audience:

EOD operators from police, government entities, military and security personnel dealing with explosives.

Subjects covered:
Suicide bombers
IED concealment workshop
Explosive range demonstrations
Tactical training
C-IED military scenarios
C-IED civilian scenarios (including hostage scenarios)
HME demonstration
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) basic training