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Security auditing

Camping stool IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a camping stool

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a camping stool. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Lantern IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a lantern

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a lantern. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Camping cookware IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in camping cookware

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in camping cookware. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Hydration bladder IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a hydration bladder

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a hydration bladder. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Hiking boots IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in hiking boots

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in hiking boots. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a vacuum insulated water bottle

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a vacuum insulated water bottle. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Suicide vest IED

Inert suicide vest IED

This item simulate a genuine suicide vest IED. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Backpack IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a backpack

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a backpack. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Waxing unit IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a waxing unit

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a waxing unit. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Laptop bag IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a laptop bag

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a laptop bag. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives, detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Do It Yourself - Improvised Explosive Devices Simulants Kit

This kit enables security trainers and supervisors to construct simulated IEDs independently. It contains the four main components of IEDs – Inert explosives simulants, initiators, operating systems and batteries, as well as the required work tools. The kit is intended for use in a classroom or on the field, where a large number of simulated IEDs can be constructed in various configurations.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for frontal training and exercises of various security users, law enforcement agencies and EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) teams. Target audience includes security instructors, supervisors, security performance auditing units and more.   *The kit is suitable for highly-trained users with prior experience and knowledge. *A course involving a concealment workshop is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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SECUR-001 kit image

Basic Explosives Recognition Training Kit

This kit contains a wide range of inert simulants that replicate military, commercial and improvised explosive materials most commonly and universally used by terror organizations. It also contains various types of detonators, mechanical and electronic operating systems for Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and different operating switches.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for training security personnel at airports, highly secured buildings, government facilities, mass transit and marine transportation sites, as well as employees of law enforcement agencies. The kit allows security personnel to become familiar with a broad range of explosive materials, detonators and operating mechanisms. *A four-day SCREENERS COURSE is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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Booby Trap Mechanisms for Counter Terrorism Units Training Kit

This kit contains an assortment of booby trap mechanisms with audio and visual indicators that appear upon activation, anchoring accessories and inert Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs.)   Target Audience This kit is designed for military special units and special law enforcement agencies that deal with hostage situations, hot entry and counter terrorism activities. The kit allows security personnel to simulate booby trapped arenas and train in life-like situations. The additional inert IEDs can be attached to different booby traps and the anchoring accessories enable the user to attach the booby traps to walls, doorways, windows and other elements.
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Initiation Mechanisms Training Kit

This kit contains a large assortment of initiating and firing systems that mimic those used in Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).It also includes various active initiators with audio and visual indicators that appear upon activation. These are applicable to various scenarios such as suicide bombing attacks, terror attempts in aviation and remote controlled or timer-activated IEDs in Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs). * This kit contains non operational devices for imaging purposes only. Customers may request a genuine mechanism to be added to the kit.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for training security personnel at airports, highly secured buildings, government facilities, mass transit and marine transportation sites, as well as employees of law enforcement agencies. The kit enhances the level of operational preparedness and awareness of security personnel and others, enabling them to identify a wide variety of IEDs.
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Basic X-Ray Screeners Training Kit

This kit contains a large assortment of inert detonators, switches, batteries and electrical components for training security personnel handling security screening equipment. The components are packed in transparent molds to enable effective training and preserve the integrity of the items. The kit was designed based on extensive professional experience in training security screeners of X-ray equipment at any secured location.   Target Audience The kit and its components are designed for training security personnel operating at airports, highly secured buildings, government facilities, mass transit and marine transportation sites, as well as employees of law enforcement agencies. The kit enhances the level of operational preparedness and awareness of security personnel and others, enabling them to identify a wide variety of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs.)
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Advanced Explosives Recognition Training Kit

This kit contains a wide range of inert explosive simulants and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) components. The simulants replicate the military, commercial and improvised explosive materials most commonly and universally used by terror organizations. The kit also contains various types of detonators as well as initiating systems for IEDs, fragmentation samples, batteries and a complete activation mechanism.   Target Audience This kit is designed for training bomb squads, military and police personnel, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams, aviation security agents and employees of law enforcement and security agencies. The kit allows security personnel to become familiar with a wide range of explosive materials, detonators, initiating mechanisms and complete operating systems used in Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs.) The kit also provides a means for advanced training, using simulated IEDs that are as close as possible to genuine materials, in commercial environments (classrooms, airports, public locations). *A four-day SCREENERS COURSE is recommended when purchasing this kit.  
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