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Inert Explosives Simulants Concealed In Traveling Articles



This kit includes simulated Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) that have been concealed in standard traveler’s items. The items simulate genuine IEDs, including their main components: Inert explosives simulants, initiator, operating mechanism and a power source. This kit is constructed based on a thorough analysis of past aviation terror incidents, and demonstrates the adversary’s modus operandi at security checkpoints.

Target Audience

This kit and its components assist security personnel with training and Red Team activities at airports and other checkpoints. The kit is designed mainly for security personnel operating X-Ray equipment, Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) systems such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technology (AT) Systems, Multi-view Tomography (MVT) and more. In addition, the kits may be used by supervisors and regulatory auditing teams for equipment qualification.

*A three-day RED TEAM COURSE is recommended when purchasing this kit