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Inert IEDs Simulants Concealed In Electrical Devices

This kit includes inert Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) concealed in electrical articles that simulate genuine IEDs, including their four main components –inert explosives (simulants), initiator, operating mechanism and a power source. This kit is designed based on a thorough analysis of past aviation terror incidents and demonstrates the adversary’s modus operandi. This kit is available also in an operating electrical articles version.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for the teaching and training of security personnel conducting covert tests and auditing airport security processes; and geared towards X-ray screeners and operators of Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) equipment such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technologies (AT) systems, Multi View Tomography (MVT) and more. Airport security managers and aviation regulatory Red Teams can use this kit to test checkpoint and hold baggage methods. * This kit is available both in Working and Non working articles versions. *A four-day SCREENERS COURSE is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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Inert IEDs Simulants Concealed In Articles of Clothing

This kit contains inert Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) concealed in articles of clothing that simulate genuine IEDs, including their four main components –inert explosives (simulants), initiator, operating mechanism and a power source. This kit is constructed based on a thorough analysis of past aviation terror incidents, and demonstrates the adversary’s modus operandi when targeting commercial aircraft. The items provided in this kit simulate explosive materials selected from X-Test’s unique product line according to the appropriate threat level. Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for the teaching and training of security personnel conducting covert testing and auditing at the airport security system; and geared towards X-ray screeners and operators of Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) equipment such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technologies (AT) systems, Multi View Tomography (MVT) and more. Airport security managers and aviation regulatory Red Teams can use this kit to test checkpoint and hold baggage security check methods. *A four-day SCREENERS COURSE is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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Inert Explosives Simulants, Suicide Bomber Training Kit

This kit contains a broad assortment of simulated Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) used to perpetrate mass casualty attacks. These items include the five main components of such IEDs – inert explosives (simulants), initiator, operating mechanism, power source and fragmentation. The diverse simulated IEDs in this kit replicate explosive charges used by suicide bombers, remote-controlled or timer-based devices or combined mechanisms. They were designed based on a thorough analysis of past terror incidents and of the modus operandi employed by adversaries when preparing IEDs for mass casualty attacks.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for training security personnel at airports, highly secured buildings, government facilities, mass transit and marine transportation sites, as well as employees of law enforcement agencies.
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Inert IEDs Simulants Concealed In Postal Articles

The kit contains simulated Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) concealed in various everyday items packed for mailing. Each item contains a concealed inert IED, including its main components: inert explosives (simulants), initiator, operating mechanism and a power source.   Target Audience This kit is designed for frontal training, tests and performance auditing of security personnel, law enforcement agencies and Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams that deals with postal items. The kit is suitable for mail rooms, mail screening, courier companies and general screening technology operators.
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Inert Explosives Simulants Concealed In Traveling Articles

This kit includes simulated Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) that have been concealed in standard traveler’s items. The items simulate genuine IEDs, including their main components: Inert explosives simulants, initiator, operating mechanism and a power source. This kit is constructed based on a thorough analysis of past aviation terror incidents, and demonstrates the adversary’s modus operandi at security checkpoints. Target Audience This kit and its components assist security personnel with training and Red Team activities at airports and other checkpoints. The kit is designed mainly for security personnel operating X-Ray equipment, Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) systems such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technology (AT) Systems, Multi-view Tomography (MVT) and more. In addition, the kits may be used by supervisors and regulatory auditing teams for equipment qualification. *A three-day RED TEAM COURSE is recommended when purchasing this kit
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Inert Explosives Simulants Concealed In Personal Grooming Articles 

This kit includes inert IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) concealed in articles of personal grooming that simulate complete IEDs, including their four main components – explosives, initiating and firing system, operating mechanism and battery.   Target Audience
 This kit and its components are designed for the teaching and training of security personnel conducting covert testing and auditing at the airport security system or other secured facilities. The kit is designed mainly for security personnel operating X-Ray equipment, Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) systems such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technology (AT) Systems, Multi view Tomography (MVT) and more. Security managers and regulatory Red Teams can use this kit to test checkpoint and equipment qualification.   * A four-day screeners course is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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Inert Explosives Simulants Concealed In Maintenance Products 

 This kit includes inert IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) concealed in various everyday maintenance products. These products simulate complete IEDs, including their four main components – explosives, initiating and firing system, operating mechanism and battery.   Target Audience
This kit and its components are designed for teaching, training and testing security personnel operating in airports, checkpoints, governmental facilities, and any other secured facilities.   * A four-day screeners course is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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Inert Explosives And Weaponry Concealed In Food Products 

This kit includes inert IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) concealed in various food products. These products simulate complete IEDs, including their four main components – explosives, initiating and firing system, operating mechanism and battery. This kit also contains weapon concealed in food products.   Target Audience
This kit and its components are designed for the teaching and training of security personnel conducting covert testing and auditing at the airport security system or other secured facilities. The kit is designed mainly for security personnel operating X-Ray equipment, Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) systems such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technology (AT) Systems, Multi view Tomography (MVT) and more. Security managers and regulatory Red Teams can use this kit to test checkpoint and equipment qualification.   * A four-day screeners course is recommended when purchasing this kit.  
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Inert Explosives Simulants Concealed In Medical Equipment

This kit includes IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) concealed in medical equipment that simulate genuine IEDs, including their four main components – explosives, initiator, operating mechanism and a power source.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for the teaching and training of security personnel conducting covert testing and auditing at the airport security system or other secured facilities. The kit is designed mainly for security personnel operating X-Ray equipment, Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) systems such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technology (AT) Systems, Multi view Tomography (MVT) and more. Security managers and regulatory Red Teams can use this kit to test checkpoint and equipment qualification.   * A four-day screeners course is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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AVSEC-010 - Simulated IED’s Training Kit Concealed in Hobby Items

Inert Explosives Simulants Concealed In Hobby Items

This kit includes IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) concealed in everyday hobby items that simulate genuine IEDs, including their four main components – explosives, initiator, operating mechanism and a power source.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for the teaching and training of security personnel conducting covert testing and auditing at the airport security system or other secured facilities. The kit is designed mainly for security personnel operating X-Ray equipment, Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) systems such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technology (AT) Systems, Multi view Tomography (MVT) and more. Security managers and regulatory Red Teams can use this kit to test checkpoint and equipment qualification.   * A four-day screeners course is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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Inert Explosives Simulants Concealed In Hiking Gear

  This kit includes IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) concealed in hiking gear items that simulate genuine IEDs, including their four main components – explosives, initiator, operating mechanism and a power source.   Target Audience This kit and its components are designed for the teaching and training of security personnel conducting covert testing and auditing at the airport security system or other secured facilities. The kit is designed mainly for security personnel operating X-Ray equipment, Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) systems such as Explosives Detection Systems (EDS), Advanced Technology (AT) Systems, Multi view Tomography (MVT) and more. Security managers and regulatory Red Teams can use this kit to test checkpoint and equipment qualification.   * A four-day screeners course is recommended when purchasing this kit.
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Inert IED laptop

Inert IED simulant concealed in a laptop

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a laptop. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives , detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Inert electric shaver IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in an electric shaver

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in an electric shaver. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives , detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Inert ring light IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a ring light

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a ring light. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives , detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Inert tablet IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a tablet

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a tablet. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives , detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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Inert hair clipper IED

Inert IED simulant concealed in a hair clipper

This item simulate a genuine IED concealed in a hair clipper. It includes the four main components of an IED - Explosives , detonator, operating mechanism and a power source. Target Audience
This item is designed for teaching and training of security personnel, conducting exercises and testing security screening technologies.
  * You may customize this item according to your own threat level. ** Images are for illustration purposes only
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